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Giardino Carnivoro

Pinguicula longifolia subsp. longifolia (France) x longifolia (Spain)

Pinguicula longifolia subsp. longifolia (France) x longifolia (Spain)

Regular price €10,00
Regular price Sale price €10,00
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Pinguicula is a carnivorous rosette plant native to the temperate areas of our planet characterized by sometimes very cold winters. It lives in peat bogs or often clinging to vertical rock faces where water flows. The leaves are covered with a film of glue produced by specific glands.

Growing Tips

The temperate pinguicula loves direct sun but in the hot months it is preferable to keep it shaded.
In winter it loves full sun although many species retreat into hibernacle, hiding under the ground where they resist temperatures well below zero.


It loves calcareous water, so tap water is fine. In summer, one cm of water is enough in the saucer, while in winter it is reduced, leaving the soil moist but not soaked. We return to dosing water in March with the arrival of spring and its abundant flowering.

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