Giardino Carnivoro
Drosera regia "WIlhelma Clone"
Drosera regia "WIlhelma Clone"
They have adapted to a warm climate similar to the tropical one, however characterized by cool but not harsh winters. However, in cultivation they also resist short frosts without any problem.
Growing Tips
Growing Tips
Drosera regia is grown in peat and perlite and with the addition of quartz or seramis to create a more draining substrate, a terracotta pot is also recommended. It loves direct sun especially in mid-seasons while in hot summers it is preferable to shade it to keep it cool.
It resists frost down to zero degrees. If the apex dies due to the cold, the roots remain vital to regrow again in spring.
They produce many flowers but are not self-fertile, you need to pollinate different plants from which you can obtain seeds at the end of summer.
It loves wet but not too soaked soil, dosing rain or distilled water directly into the saucer. One cm of water in the saucer in all seasons is fine.
There is no need to vaporize the leaves but to create a lot of diffused humidity, protecting it from wind and rain